Episode 26: Momentum in Sports+Life

This episode of the Grim Drive Podcast, where we explore mental health through the lens of professional sports and athletes, takes a look at Momentum in Sports+Life. 

Analytics in sports has become quite big over the last 15 years, starting with baseball (popularized by books/movies like Moneyball) and then working their way into other sports, particularly in the last 5-10 years.  One big debate that is often discussed when it comes to sports is whether momentum (individually or collectively) is a real thing.  The stat heads will say no…well, we discuss why we disagree along with several reasons to back that up.

*The Grim Drive Podcast is a way for people to learn about mental fitness, mental health, and mental illness, through the lens of sports. We want to do our part to further reduce the stigma associated with mental health by highlighting the athletes who have shown strength through vulnerability, spoken up, and spoken out.  We want to provide listeners with mental health education, to raise awareness and reduce risk, maximizing the path to mental fitness.

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