Episode 37: Athlete Salaries

During this episode of the Grim Drive Podcast, where we explore mental health through the lens of professional sports and athletes, we discuss athlete salaries.

Whether it is the twitter-verse filled with fans opining about athletes being overpaid or important discussions at the national level about male v. female National Soccer Team player compensation, the salaries paid to professional athletes makes for a polarizing subject for sure. Overlapping topics like discrimination, capitalism, greed, worth, and relative value, all get thrown in the mix when trying to determine the impossible task of weighing what is fair v. unfair.  In this episode, we examine why athletes salaries are how they are, specific examples that have driven polarized discussions, and Title IX and the role this law has played in reducing discrimination and access to opportunity.

*The Grim Drive Podcast is a way for people to learn about mental fitness, mental health, and mental illness, through the lens of sports. We want to do our part to further reduce the stigma associated with mental health by highlighting the athletes who have shown strength through vulnerability, spoken up, and spoken out.  We want to provide listeners with mental health education, to raise awareness and reduce risk, maximizing the path to mental fitness.

As a reminder to listeners/viewers, please leave us a review on apple podcasts, or comment on one of our youtube videos with any thoughts.  We guarantee we will respond to all comments and would love the chance to have a dialogue about some of these topics with anyone who is interested to discuss.